Your Hell In A Cell Predictions (Who ever gets the most right gets BA!)?

John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del RioTriple Threat Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship
Mark Henry (c) vs. Randy Orton - Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Christian vs. Sheamus - Singles match
Kelly Kelly (c) vs Beth Phoenix - Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
Sin Cara (Blue mask) vs. Sin Cara (Black mask) - Singles match to determine the real Sin Cara

*Star* if you thing this is going to be a good PPV!
John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio Triple Threat Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship John cena

Mark Henry (c) vs. Randy Orton - Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Mark Henry
Christian vs. Sheamus - Singles match
Kelly Kelly (c) vs Beth Phoenix - Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
Sin Cara (Blue mask) vs. Sin Cara (Black mask) - Singles match to determine the real Sin Cara
Blue Sin Cara
Cena (A two week reign for Supercena? Unlikely)
Henry (Gonna win like a boss)
Sheamus (Possibly via dq)
I am color blind so I will have to go with simply Sin Cara
Lite predictions: Cena, Henry, Sheamus, Beth, Sin Cara, and I think they'll have a tag team title match where Air Boom wins that.

Hell in a Cell Predictions:

Cena (He will lose it at Vengeance because the WWE needs the title to be defended at SSeries since its one of the Big 4 PPVs and since Cena is supposed to team with Rock in a 5-on-5 tag match at the PPV, he won't be able to defend the title).

Sin Cara(black mask)
1. CM Punk
2. Mark Henry
3. Sheamus
4. Beth Phoenix (no way would Beth lose to a K2 again)
5. I'd say black mask Sin Cara
alberto del rio
randy orton (bu i hope i am wrong)
Beth pheonix
Sin Cara (blue mask)

the sin cara match was random choice