
  1. J

    how do i talk to the girl i like for the first time without feeling wierd...?

    ok im a 13 year old boy with not much experience in... well talking to girls i like. she is in my school but in only 1 of my classes. im friends with some of her friends my step sister is also her friend --i'l tell you about myself as i said im 13 and male i have a good number of mates im into...
  2. J

    how do i talk to the girl i like for the first time without feeling wierd...?

    ok im a 13 year old boy with not much experience in... well talking to girls i like. she is in my school but in only 1 of my classes. im friends with some of her friends my step sister is also her friend --i'l tell you about myself as i said im 13 and male i have a good number of mates im into...
  3. B

    WIERD DREAM!!!!!!!! plz help?

    kay so last night i saw a dream in which i am trying on a huge waist belt on top of my school uniform and i can see my reflection in da mirror. i am in some colourful boutique and i m in a hurry becase my mom is waiting downstairs. i really like da belt but cant buy it in the end. plz help what...
  4. K

    My girlfriend makes wierd comment and then try to argue her point, and they

    never make sense? Her latest was.... She hate money....
  5. M

    Wierd Dream.........?

    ok so i had a dream that a baby died but i didnt no the baby and like i was holding it and it was cold but i didnt give it my jacket and then it turned into my sister then turned back so the next dad we went outside and she was dead and they said it was the maids baby but my miads baby didnt...
  6. B

    I had this really WIERD DREAM........please help....what does it mean????

    This guy I like was in my dream,but he was showing alot of attention to my sister,it was clear that he was into her....and she was into him to in my dream.........what does this mean it felt real and like a night mare............................SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN........???????
  7. Y

    i had a very wierd dream?

    i dreamed that my friends were all dressed in these black robes and chasing me and i was running and i was terrified and running around town trying to get away from them, a town i have never been in, i didn't recognise anything and at some point they cought me and then i woke up.
  8. C

    IPhone jailbroken os 3.1.3, wierd icons can't be deleted?

    I have a jailbroken iPhone 3gs os 3.1.3 and I recently have three wierd icons. These are a Bluetooth oval icon, an earth with a plug in it and a blue triangle with a stick man digging. How can I get rid of them. Has anyone else had these icon. By the way these icons don't open up any app, when...
  9. J

    Wierd Car Issue, Mazda 3 Squeaky wheels?

    There is a squeaky sound, kind of similiar to when you bounce a basketball.... coming from the tires/wheel wells of my mazda 3. Its more noticeable when i go over bumps, and its definetly more noticeable in the cold (I thought it might be due to tire pressure but I increased the air in the...
  10. M

    I've had a fever all week and I've got a really wierd feeling in my belly?

    I have kept a fever for a week now and each morning and late afternoon I get a wierd feeling in my belly. I don't feel sick or achy at all, not even cold. And one day this week I had lower back pain? Not really sure what could be going on? Any ideas?
  11. L

    Preverted, sexist, wierd, sexy, or just plain corny jokes!?

    No knock knock jokes I'm begging you!
  12. P

    Sooo my friend had a wierd dream?

    So one of my best friends had a weird dream and this is how it goes: the dream started off with me playing basket ball with 2 japanese grls... one got mad and attacked me then walked off... the other started crying,I went up to help the crying one by holding her.... i held her on a couch while...
  13. L

    preverted, sexist, wierd, or just plain corny jokes!?

    i dont care if it is preverted, sexist, wierd, or just plain corny!
  14. F

    My itouch is acting wierd.?

    whenever i press the home button, it takes a picture of the screeen and the power button doesnt even work!!! help please!!! if it is stuck, how do i fix that?
  15. B

    Wierd dreams about aliens taking over the world and attacking my family, why?

    when i was with my family on a regular day, my family and i go outside to my backyard and we saw these race cars racing across the street. after i looked they had crashed and there was this big noise it sounded annoying, so i looked up to the sky & there was these 2 colored balls flying around...
  16. B

    Can you guess the name of the Sci Fi movie or TV episode where...? A ripoff of Wierd

    Science...? I can't remember the name of a Sci Fi movie/TV show episode where a dude makes a potion/elixer/formula to bring magazine models to life. With only a drop (or a few drops) on the magazine, the women literally climb out of or explode from the pages. The chemical concoction has a duel...
  17. X

    Help me plz fealing wierd?

    well yestersay i had a trip to herkimer diamond mines in ny me and my classmates were hanging out down by the river and my freand dares me to drink some of the water comeing down the water falls so like the ideot i am i did it was like a cup or a pint of water know next day my legs are week my...
  18. M

    Imperial China... interesting or wierd facts needed!!!?

    heyy im doing An assignment on imperial china and need some interesting and wierd facts about imperial china , their religion, their day to day lives and work and some achievements. I also need some facts on the shang dynasty and their ruling of government it would be great if you could source...
  19. S

    I had a wierd sleep paralysis?

    So ok.... i was dreaming that i was on the computer (like where i am now) and i dreamed that somone was comming and it was 2:46am (i looked at clock) so then i heard somone comming so i ran into my bed and layed on my side....... so then i woke up and i was paralized there wierd part was i heard...
  20. L

    Why the wierd terminology in Interval theory?

    Tritone, Perfect 5th, Major 3rd, etc. Why not just say (e.g. 2 semitones apart, or 2 whole tones apart, etc.)? Why all the high-falutent and confusing terms?