
  1. M

    My Mazda truck is making wierd noise when and is jerking when in reverse.?

    I have a '96 Mazda B2300 Series. It is a 5 speed. When I put it in reverse to back out of the driveway, it makes this horrible grinding noise. When I hit the break it skids. I put it back in first gear to go back up the driveway with no problems. Please help. I dont know what other info to tell...
  2. B

    Need wierd medical help?

    16 yr old boy with peroid and one else
  3. S

    Help!! Monitor Has Gone Wierd!!?

    Ok. so i lent onto the keyboard and the next thing i knew, my screen has gone 90 degrees to the left and i'm reading everything sideways. I've tryed to reboot and factory reset the screen but nothing is working. Anyone have any idea what i've done? And how to fix it? Help!! Thanks
  4. D

    My myspace looks wierd in internet explorer anyone know y?

    I set up my profile in Firefox and did all the allignment right and It looks tight in Firefox, but when i look at it in internet explorer the allignment gets all retarded and I dont know how to fix it. Does anyone know y? www.myspace.com/deathcorehead
  5. zoej

    Wierd Question; How Do You Get Bigger Teeth?

    Teeth Like Eva Mendes? Just Beautifull Teeth?.. My Teeth Are Still Small Im 16 An I Want Bigger More Womanly Teeth! Mine Are Still Like Baby Teeth Thankyou x Without Suggery.. Or If Thats The Only Option Around How Much Would It Cost?