
  1. L

    ?> ????? ????? æ??? <? r u gay cuz thats wierd?

  2. K

    My jaw is wierd, Will i need surgery?

    Im 14 years old. And i grind my teeth while asleep so i'm sure thats the reason my jaw is the way it is. Somtimes it cracks when i eat. I have an over bite. WHICH nedless to say i like better that a normal bite. I am looking into teeth gaurds for sleep time. Do you think i need surgery? There's...
  3. C

    Will my date(s) think I'm old fashioned and wierd if I just want to take things

    slow? Will he lose interest? I am 42......I am just getting back into the dating scene because I was completely happy just being a single mom to my daughter--who is now 18 and almost all grown up ready to go off to college. I got divorced when my daughter was 2 and things have just been the two...
  4. S

    Is it wierd to be a guy and like the show gossip girl.?

    well im black and is straght. i love the show gossip girl, or the movie the lake house. yet other guys look at me like im gay.
  5. S

    Weord intestinal problem, is it a worm, parasite or just some wierd sickness.?

    I know this may sound a little wierd, but one day I woke up with terrible stomach cramps, I thought it was constipation, so I took a laxative, it did not work. The next day I woke up with a fever and I had to go to the washroom to poop a lot (it was watery and almost like diarheea). Then...
  6. B

    is it wierd to date someone from the internet?

    i was messing around and put a personal ad up and someone responded to it and turns out she is kinda cool we are going out friday
  7. M

    Wierd red bumps all over my body?

    Ok so yesterday I noticed 2 very small red bumps on my foot (on the top of my foot, not the sole). They itched like crazy and when I scratched them, the skin got very red and began to burn. Then, I noticed 4 more of these same bumps around my knee, and they itched and turned really red when I...
  8. S

    completely wierd.....?

  9. M

    92 Honda Accord LX Timing Pulley sounds wierd.... ?? =/?

    .......On my 92 Honda Accord, almost 10 thousand miles ago, they replaced the timing belt with one of those Gatorback ones, which i don't like because it makes a loud whiir when it spins fast. Anyway i don't recall how many miles ago but im guessing around close to 8, the timing pulley or the...
  10. B

    My jeep makes wierd noise when I turn?

    It's only when I'm in 4wheel drive and when I take a hard right turn. what could it be. It makes a weird noise
  11. C

    Is it wierd that most of the black celebs are backing chris brown and the white

    celebs rihanna ? iIve the majority of black celebs backing chris brown and most of the white ones lashing out at chris brown si it because chris brown stayed true to his roots and choose bet more over mtv unlike rihanna who the black community feel made music for white people more
  12. M

    Would this be wierd @ my b-day party?

    Okay well my b-day is in the summer. I have a pool, 3 big screen TVs, and tons of wood land. I really want to have the best b-day party in the world. I have 1 major best friend. I was thinking of inviting her over 2 nights before my b-day party so we could share ideas for the last time before...
  13. J

    i have wierd patches of brown?

    on my chest area and hip right through to my back, i have never had them before, i smoke if thats a reason for them ?... im getting kind of worried because when ever these things happen i look to the worst of things so if u could hlp me find out what they are it would be so awsome please comment...
  14. P

    problem with my canon sx110- wierd inner lens spot?

    so ive had my canon powershot sx110 IS for about a month. and a couple weeks ago i noticed that there was all of a sudden a little blackish smudge dot (relativley big and noticeable), that showed up on all the pictures in the camera, and even when they were on my computer. the dot is in the...
  15. C

    a guy is kinda wierd around me?

    i relly dont know this guy but at school when were in class he always tells people that he is a virgin and looks at me
  16. S

    wierd al songs on itunes?

    on my itunes the search box doesnt work so i have to use the "browse" function. anyway i need the combination of genre and subgenre to get to him under artist
  17. S

    wierd feelin in my wrist?!?

    wed. i had baton. towards the end, i got a wierd feelin in my wrist. its like a warm sensation every now and then. it doesnt stay i just feel it every few min. and only feel it for a min and then it goes away. 2day is saturday and i still feel it. im pretty sure i didnt hit it or nething. wat...
  18. K

    my HD tv picture is wierd on my ps3, help!!!?

    ok, so i just got a 19" 720p phillips HDTV, it works fine as a pc moniter, when i hooked my ps3 up with an HDMi cable to it, it ran thru the setup and said the tv supported up to 1080p?but on the box it only says 720p, thats not the problem, the problem is when i started the game, at 720p AND...
  19. S

    How do I show her my affection without getting wierd looks and starting rumors?

    I like this girl, and she likes me, and we both know it and we're working on getting together... what are some ways i can subtly show my affection for her without the whole school looking at a lesbian couple! We don't really want people to know but I really want to like... hold her hand, or play...
  20. S

    How do I show her my affection without getting wierd looks and starting rumors?

    I like this girl, and she likes me, and we both know it and we're working on getting together... what are some ways i can subtly show my affection for her without the whole school looking at a lesbian couple! We don't really want people to know but I really want to like... hold her hand, or play...