
  1. N

    What does this really wierd dream mean?

    I was with my friend joe an a futuristic city and we stumbled upon an old rusty door. We went inside. Down a corridor we heard shouting and my friend vicky, joes girlfriend, was in a room with a sweaty man who was masturbating whilst she hacked at the head of a white wolf-like dog. She then took...
  2. B

    Is Amir from college humor actually wierd in real life?

    Is Amir as wierd as he seems in his podcasts and funny videos? Or is he just acting?
  3. K

    WTF?!?! Rate this video lol its wierd?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_rH6CycLFQ umhh yeah someone rate that and explain what the f is going on? Dont you think its wierd? theres some people cracking up lol
  4. C

    wierd bell button pain?

    well about 4or 5 days ago i started to get this dull little pain around where my belly button is...like it doesn't hurt when i go to the bath room it only hurts when i squat down or sit down....i don't no if its a hernia or not...
  5. X

    this might sound really wierd... its about my dream?

    okayy about 2 weeks ago i had this dream... i think it would be my first dream in like 6 months or something like that. well here goes. i walked into the bathroom and my hair was really long and it was so curly but beautiful like beyonce's and i had a straight bang. i had it down and then i...
  6. N

    Star Trek blu ray showing wierd blue lines while playing?

    Just bought the blu ray along with the new Samsung 1600 blu ray player. I am seeing some weird blue/whitish color shades lines appear intermittently. For example- when Kirk meets Uhura in the bar, and many more. I played Harry Potter movie in the same blue ray player, and it runs fine. I...
  7. C

    wierd future telling dreams?

    ok so sometimes i have these dreams where im somewhere then it happens in the next few days like i had a dream i was at a hotel pool and some kid did a connonball and the water went everywhere it nactually happened the following week i have several other future telling dreams like this sometimes...
  8. B

    BITTORRENT is being wierd ...how do i fix this problem!?

    This is the first time its done this but things im putting on bittorrent to download arnt downloading?....it goes on their and when u click on it its got a big red long line across the scren next to the word availability?....its also got a red arrow pointing down next to the download.....it...
  9. B

    BITTORRENT is being wierd ...how do i fix this problem!?

    This is the first time its done this but things im putting on bittorrent to download arnt downloading?....it goes on their and when u click on it its got a big red long line across the scren next to the word availability?....its also got a red arrow pointing down next to the download.....it...
  10. B

    BITTORRENT is being wierd ...how do i fix this problem!?

    This is the first time its done this but things im putting on bittorrent to download arnt downloading?....it goes on their and when u click on it its got a big red long line across the scren next to the word availability?....its also got a red arrow pointing down next to the download.....it...
  11. S

    I Have Wierd Dreams ( Dream People Physics?)?

    I have wierd dreams like, someone crashing into my car. I dreamed about my puppy that i have now.. Just after My pop Died I had a dream about him he showed 2 fingers up,That was 6 years ago. Some nights i wake from a dream Crying.. My Great Grandmother was physic and i have seen my...
  12. E

    am i wierd!!!! lol my gf thinks so..?

    so my gf thinks im weird cause when i take a shower "like every night" after i just have to do my hair with gel and hairspray idk why i just have to.....lol
  13. M

    Crazy wierd dreams? from twilight series?.....really?

    idk i just have these strange dreams from the saga like after i got finished reading eclipse i had a dream that a boy had imprinted on me then after i read breaking dawn i had a dream that i was pregnant ..omg and some times i just have the weirdest dreams ever like the dream when i was a...
  14. B

    Motorola Razor phone, has a wierd blinking blue message sign that I

    can't get rid of. Does ne one know? Yeah, I have a Motorola Razor phone from AT&T. You know, the one everyone has. Well in the top right corner is a little blue piece of paper with a small blue star in the corner of the paper. I have no idea what this might be, I have checked all my messages and...
  15. A

    wierd Bluetooth question?

    hellO! every 1 i jst bought 1 mobile n that is Benq80.. that is wierd and most wierd part is i had bluetooth in it but dsnt seem to tranfer files...Error "no service found" .. why is it so my money wasted... 2nd thing iam not getting Minisd card reader here in my area ..why why why..any and more...
  16. T

    Ok wierd twlight question girls lol no boys?

    Yeah i do too but how could edward and them Ok I was wordering how could they go to school because wouldn't somebody be on their period.haha i know but it bothering me.
  17. L

    ?> ????? ????? æ??? <? r u gay cuz thats wierd?

  18. L

    ?> ????? ????? æ??? <? r u gay cuz thats wierd?

  19. L

    ?> ????? ????? æ??? <? r u gay cuz thats wierd?

  20. L

    ?> ????? ????? æ??? <? r u gay cuz thats wierd?
