any bad coming out exp ( gay men) involve negative reaction from a male...


New member
Sep 8, 2011
...siblings/sons? i am wondering given the homophobic culture, which is particulat strong among straight males. did any of you have problems with brothers or sons giving you negative reactions/ hard to accept it at first? even if you have always been close to them.
My older brother is and ex-gay, he had told everyone it was a phase by the time I came out. He was really only mad that I was coping him, everyone else was like ya sure its just a phase, and basically told me not to give up on women as I need to be prepared for marriage.
I never came out to my family. I think my dad, particularly, always knew that I was gay, but he tried to deny it, or knock it out of me somehow. When I was about nine, he tried to teach me how to fight in an attempt to make me more manly, and ended up breaking my arm. Then he told me to tell everyone that I fell down the stairs. If that's how he treated a nine-year-old kid who he didn't even know for sure was gay, then what would he do to an adult who was confirming it? I don't have any brothers or sons that could have reacted negatively. My sister heard it through one of her friends and didn't care, and my mum died before I got a chance to tell her.