Anyone have stories (good or bad) of meeting someone through an online...


New member
Oct 19, 2009
1 FB,, Eharmony...? Do they work, if it was you involved, how did you make it work?
yes, I met a wonderful guy through one when hubby and I were broken up long long time ago when still dating. Didn't pursue it but I should have.
My best friend hooked me up with a date with some guy she met online who seemed decent I suppose years ago. I was 17, he was like 25. The guy came and picked me up from my apartment (I had my own place at 17) and he seemed nice, had a nice car and he smelled good. We were supposed to go out to dinner....he tells me he left his wallet at his place, we had to swing by and get it. I told him I'd pay, he insisted. I was a little nervous and told him I'd stay in the car when he offered to show me inside. So then we should have been on our way to he got a call from someone and he said he had to meet his friend real quick for some reason. We waited in the parking lot of a gym that was closed at like 8pm....then his "friend" shows up in a yellow Lamborghini. I stay in the car, and then they are done, I was ready to go out to dinner. He says no, let's go to his place and watch a movie. I agreed so that I could have my friend pick me up, I wanted to get out of there. So we go in his place, I walk in the door and it's beautiful. He had very expensive taste and said he had a maid and other junk. I was kind of impressed, maybe he wasn't too bad. I asked if I could use his bathroom, I was going to go call my friend too. The bathroom was through his bedroom, I opened the door and Guns were EVERYWHERE. Like 3 handguns on the night table, a rifle on the dresser, and a few more. I'm not a big fan of guns! Not out in the open anyway. I called her and told her to come get me. I went back out to the living room and he had a gallon size zip lock bag 1/2 full of white powder. I'm not even kidding, that must have been a ton of money worth of cocaine. He took out his keys and scooped some up and snorted it. I had never even seen it before, but knew I wasn't interested. He asked me if I wanted some, like he was offering me a glass of soda or something.
I opened the front door and took off running. I RAN about 3 miles, all the way home and told my best friend she better Never meet anyone online ever again.
I met a "nice guy" on an online dating website. We had a lot in common, had similar senses of humor, we "matched" almost perfectly, and he was attractive, so we decided to meet in person. (We took it slow and after lots of emails and phone conversations, we wanted to meet.)

He turned out to be a creep. He called me constantly, showed up at my house at random times (and I still haven't figured out how he found out where I lived... creepy), and begged me to go out with him again.

I ended up telling him to leave me the F*** alone, and luckily, he did.
I've dated a number of guys in recent years that I met online (dating sites or other sites). No horrid experiences. A few times we didn't "click" in person so got through the date and that was it, but most of the time there was more than one date...

I've had friends who had long term relationships or married people they met online...that hasn't been the case for me though, but I've had some interesting experiences and met some neat people (local and miles away).

It's like when you meet people get to know one another and see where things might go. I've got a movie date Sat night with a guy I met last Spring online...we went out in June and haven't seen each other since, but have kept in touch somewhat.

Ya never know who you might meet...good luck!
I met the guy I am seeing now on It was the best thing ever! We talked on the phone constantly and texted for three weeks. I went up there to where he lives, 5 1/2 hrs away. I had the best time. We have so much in common. We constantly think the same thing, and finish each other's sentences. I am so happy I have my boyfriend. So lucky at that! He is an awesome, awesome man!
I have tried yahoo personals, kijiji and plenty of fish sites.
I met a few very good people/friends from each one of these sites, but the one very special person that took my heart was from plenty of fish.
I found "POF" the best site, very nice people.
Met my fiance on (site no longer exists) been going strong for 7 years and so much in love. Best thing I could have ever done.