Got a poll-type question about politics, take two seconds to answer?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Let's deifine liberal and conservative first between the question:

Liberal: Environment needs protection at the cost of money, All war is bad, guns are unneeded and should be illegal, gays should have all the rights of hetero couples, etc...

Conservative: Gays should not have the rights of hetero couples/should not be called "marriage", Seperation of church and state is bad, guns are important for the public to own so the government does not become oppressive, economy needs to thrive at cost of environment, etc....

Liberals: would you be ok letting your child marry/ marrying yourself someone who is similar to you/them in every way except for political ideology?

Conservatives: would you be ok letting your child marry/ marrying yourself someone who is similar to you/them in every way except for political ideology?