Hit by car on bike Need Advice please!!!!?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
i was in the bike lane in Santa Barbara and a car made a right hand turn and i hit her front wheel well and fractured my arm the lady stopped and i gave her my info but she refused to call the police and i had no phone do call the insurance calls me the next day and take my info then the nextday blunt that i am 100% at fault when i was not then thy lied and said i was in the sidewalk and ran in to her but my left harn is fractured and i would have hit my right side if that was true and they won't hear my side of the story there was no proof or witnesses and she knew that now i an stuck with a bill and a broken arm and i don't know what to do the insurance is blaming me with no proof and the damage show i hit her from the bike lane in the front wheel well
ok so i called the Ca Hwy Police department they want me to come in on Monday to make a counter report i went to the hospital and all the damage is on the left side of my body and would not have happen from the sidewalk like the insurance is lie about as the ramps to the street shift out to the left and so the right side of my body would have ran in to the car and the damage extends outward from the passenger side door to the bumper so this proves i was trying to avoid her in the bike lane by turning right trying to avoid her so the left side of my body took the hit
a friend of mine got 15K after being hit by car while riding a bike. his bike's front tire what destroyed but he was out of the hospital the next day.
well your shit out of luck dude. should have called the police when it happen. insurance isn't going to do crap since there was not police report filed. the only thing you can do is take her to court and hope that you can prove your case. but since there is no witness or anything you will have a hard time with that too.