I have a crush on a boy at school,does he like me? Im not gay but im open minded!...


New member
May 14, 2008
...Please Help? Hello,

First things first, Im 16 and Im currently a junior in high school. I've always been open to new things...including my sexuality. Im more mentally attracted to girls. I love girls' personalities and boobs, haha. But, I also am attracted to boys. What i like in boys are their bodies and their smiles lol, i know weird. In the future I could imangine having a relationship with a boy but never long term, I would LOVE a long term realtionship with a girl (For example marriage). I could never imagine marrying a boy....thats just a noooo. On the other hand im more phyiscally attracted to boys, like facial structure wise and body wise....its weird. BTW no one knows im open minded

Well, heres my problem with my crush as of now....who is a boy. I have a crush on this one boy at school, he seems to be open-minded as well. He has a girlfriend but their not super like open at school, they are always seperated and hardly talk to each other (idk wat they do outside of school tho). He's one of those boys who's into music like (metal/rock/alternative) wat ever u wanna call it, but he is part of a band. Him and are friends but not super close, but we are comfortable around eachother and we enjoy eachothers company...from wat i see. I have a few classes with him and sometimes I just look at him in utter AWE!
Sometimes he looks at me but when I see him staring at me I immediatley look away or down. He always cracks gay jokes but he is also the type of boy who has no problem being around a gay person. I honestly believe he's not 100% straight, if u ask the other kids at school wat their opinions of him are they will bring up the fact that they think he's gay or bi. IDK He just seems not totally straight. On the other hand he cracks jokes about gay's but sometimes I do that. soo idkkk wat he reallly feels like.

A few days ago we were playing 10 fingers(I never...)with a few kids in my class and he said "I never made out with someone of the opposite sex".....he looked at me, and in his eyes i could tell this ? was for me. My face turned red....i could feel it. I think he brought up this question to see my reaction, if i would put a finger down. While we were playing that game we were sittin in a circle, I could tell he was looking at me a few times. Also in class sometimes we just never look at eachother...i dont look at him and idk if he still looks at me.

I dont know wat to do?, I think about him alot.
Wat should i do?, im afraid to express myself to him...cuz we arent that close.
ohh yeah...Im also one of those personalities who makes people laugh all the time ! and when i do funny things he ALWAYS laughs and sometimes high fives me and all......
I've got a feeling you are both bisexual. You need to get closer to him, maybe meet him in lunchroom, be friendly, smile, and if he indicates he wants to stare, encourage it. Then hang out sometimes and just sometime ask him, refer back to the finger game. Hope this helps a bit.
well your bi or gay anyway back to the question get him to know you more (become best friends) then invite him to your house one night and see what he does for example...touching leg to leg that sort and ask him what is his biggest secret or ask him if he is gay or bi
Sexual orientation is something that seems to be set at a very
young age (like less than four years) and there is even some
evidence that it is something a person is born with. Most people
have some capacity to be sexual outside of their orientation.
That is, some gays have had heterosexual relations, some
straights have had homosexual relations, and often a person's
first sexual experiences have little or nothing to do with the
person's orientation.

There are many other factors to consider, such as whether your
friend is trustworthy, whether you are interested in having the
experience or whether you are being pressured into it, and so
forth. But whether it will (or has) changed your sexuality is
nothing to worry about. If you are looking for an excuse NOT to
do it, you don't need one: you have a right to say "I'd rather
not do that, thank you," and you have no need to explain
yourself. On the other hand, if you do decide to do it (or have
done it) you have a right not to accept labels or guilt trips
that other people might try to give you because of it.