Is anyone else tired of the nerd trend?


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Is a Porsche Cayman a good everyday car?

Hi, so my dad wants to get a nice comfortable car to drive to his new work, which is like 40 min away there and same back so it is like 80 min total driving.

I was helping him look for good cars and we found a 2007 Cayman with 20k miles on it for $35k price. Would that be a good price? Its certified aswell by the dealership according to the dealership's website.

Could a porsche be a good weekday car?Nothing fancy on it. No convertible or anything. Just a basic Porsche.

And theres like a fenced in parking lot with gates that you need the work ID to get into. So its not like its randomly out in public like a city, its fenced in and stuff.

My dad currently drives a 99 Sienna, but wants it to be more of the "Family Car".So would switching from a toyota to a posche seem strange for the driver?

So what is your thoughts on if it is a durable car for everyday work travel?
What I mean is I think it's lame that there's this idea in society that it's cool to be lame and mediocre. I find it weird that grown people refer to themselves as "nerds" because they like technology, current video games, or the NES or older video games. I'm thinking,"High school is over. How about loving yourself enough and just saying you're a person instead of labeling yourself?" For instance, I like the NES, but I also not it's not the best thing ever and I don't think I'm nerdy for liking it. I'm just a human being with interests.

Also, Micheal Cera is pushed as being one of these "nerds." Again, this guy is like 25...if he was 16 and still trying to figure out life and what lies ahead of him, I could understand the nerd label. But as an adult, this self-induced self loathing just comes off as lame and very pathetic.

Then there's all the emo clothing like trendy box framed glasses, and sweaters with colors that don't go together, and dressing all emo/artsy that go along with this trend. It's all lame, and I think the big brains in Hollywood, fashion, and advertisement need to stop pushing and trying to scam us with the idea that being sub-standard is actually cool. You know what I think is cooler than being a "nerd?" Being yourself and not being afraid of it, so you don't put yourself in a group and label yourself.