Itunes is not letting me redownload my paid apps for free.?


Jun 2, 2008
I am trying to download all my apps that I have on my ipod touch onto my new computer. I cant copy my applications folder from my old computer because my computer crashed.

When a download a free app I already have it tells me "you have already purchase this item. To download it again for free click okay."
But when i try to download an app I paid for it tells me if i am sure that i want to buy the app and that my account is going to be debited.

How can I re download my paid apps for free.
Well unfornunately, you cannot redownload paid apps for free, noo matter what the reason unless u contact apple themselves they might work something out other its impossible. same thing happened to me, if the apps are still on the touch, dnt worry about it.
Well unfornunately, you cannot redownload paid apps for free, noo matter what the reason unless u contact apple themselves they might work something out other its impossible. same thing happened to me, if the apps are still on the touch, dnt worry about it.
Well unfornunately, you cannot redownload paid apps for free, noo matter what the reason unless u contact apple themselves they might work something out other its impossible. same thing happened to me, if the apps are still on the touch, dnt worry about it.