My friends mom complained about a school lock down?


May 14, 2008
One of my friends told me that they were doing a lock down at her sister's school. Her sister is in Gr.2, I think. Well, I guess her mom does not like the idea of it. I guess her sister does not like going on the bus because people are mean to her and her mom does not want her to be afraid to go to school too. So her mom called the principal and complained about it. The principal asked her "What are we going to do if someone comes in with a gun or something like that?" and her mom made a statement that the chances of that happening our very slim.

I agree that it is very slim but it COULD happen. I think her mom is being stupid - the lock down is for her own daughter's safter at school. If it was my child I'd have a talk with them about lock downs and I'd tell them that it's for them to be safe at school.

What do you think?
And I mean 'practise lock down.'
Good question. I think the problem is probably the way that the lockdown was presented to the daughter. Especially since she's already have trouble adjusting to school, it probably wasn't helpful for her to be in a stressful situation. If all of a sudden, a school-wide announcement came on that said "we are going into lockdown mode" and then all the students had to sit in silence and in the dark, then I can see why the mother called the school. It seems as if her problem was with the way it happened and not the actual procedure (unless it was an atypical procedure). If it was something that the teachers responded to stress-free, told the children that it was just a drill, and that they were practicing in case something were to happen at the school, then I think she is overreacting. If this is the case, then she probably is just upset that society is at the point where lockdowns are needed in grade two, or she is worried about her daughter and her safety.