PS3 console wont display video properly anymore after XBOX 360 interferes with...


New member
Apr 28, 2011
...DISH Network Satellite signal? Playstation 3 (both of them) worked just fine until I found out the DISH Network TV Satellite signal started going out when I turn on my 360 (which only started when I re-arranged the sockets behind the television to hook up a second Xbox 360 and desktop PC next to it). So when I turn off the 360 and unplug it, the satellite signal gets restored a minute later. However, my PS3 (both of them) no longer will display video properly; I get a dark screen with faded colors and a channel-surfing like reaction as if it is on another channel. The PS3's have been used with the yellow/red/white cables always but now do not work. I tried an RF Switch on different TV's for both PS3's, (it won't even work on my upstairs TV set). I tried an older tube TV set, still warped colors. I tried playing it on my original PC (I have two PC's in the main room) and it works but I have to brighten the color settings on my cap card A LOT in order to get a proper picture, which I never had to do.

Any idea why BOTH (caps) PS3's act corrupted all of a sudden?