Tip of the day: Lighten up your nighttime run


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Tip of the day: Lighten up your nighttime run
If you're working out on roads before sunrise or after sunset, you should make yourself visible to drivers. Wear white or bright outer layers, or consider buying a reflective vest or a small, battery-powered flashing red light that you can clip to your jacket or bike. And try to work out in well-lighted areas. You'll be less likely to trip and fall, and you'll feel safer all-around. And*sometimes two or more is better than one. Find a buddy to run with. You'll be that much more obvious in your reflective gear and you'll feel less vulnerable being out in the dark.
Read more of our winter workout tips, and see our full report and Ratings (subscribers*only)*on running shoes.​
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