What do you think of this joke?


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Is a Porsche Cayman a good everyday car?

Hi, so my dad wants to get a nice comfortable car to drive to his new work, which is like 40 min away there and same back so it is like 80 min total driving.

I was helping him look for good cars and we found a 2007 Cayman with 20k miles on it for $35k price. Would that be a good price? Its certified aswell by the dealership according to the dealership's website.

Could a porsche be a good weekday car?Nothing fancy on it. No convertible or anything. Just a basic Porsche.

And theres like a fenced in parking lot with gates that you need the work ID to get into. So its not like its randomly out in public like a city, its fenced in and stuff.

My dad currently drives a 99 Sienna, but wants it to be more of the "Family Car".So would switching from a toyota to a posche seem strange for the driver?

So what is your thoughts on if it is a durable car for everyday work travel?
Mother: "Why does your test have a big zero on the top of it?"
Son: "That's not a zero. The teacher ran out of stars, so she gave me moon instead."

Bonus Joke: "Can you name the Roman emperor who was most notorious for persecuting the early Christians?" asked the history teacher.
"Nero", answered a student. "That's right. What were some of the things he did?"
"He tortured the prisoners in Rome."
"And how did he do that?"
"He played the fiddle."