Why are people "proud" to be gay?


May 14, 2008
Even if I'm gay, it's not something I'm PROUD of- I didn't choose it. Are straight people "proud" of being straight? Proud of being green eyed? I accept it and I'm fine with it, but why is it something to be proud of?
Toot- I am gay and I still don't understand.

Mist- what do you mean? I am happy and don't feel like it's something I have to parade about and say I'm "proud to be gay." I'm gay and that's that. I'm not ashamed but I'm not proud. It is what it is.
Because if u are not than youll be unhappy for the rest of your life. People are happy for who they are, its plain and simple.
Because it's a reaction to society saying that being gay is something to be ashamed of, that it's wrong, that it's something you should hide.
I think you have a point, but at the same time I don't think it means the same as being proud for being white. I take it as they like their life, respect their struggles and wouldn't change it for the better. For example, I'm Welsh. I had no control over it, it doesn't mean anything, but I feel honored that I got to be a part of that heritage.
If we let straight people think it gets us down because they consider it not normal, we will end up miserable. We might as well accept our differentness and be jolly.
Don't be so down.
its the same thing as black pride, which is okay... but white pride, which is bad... its just what gay and black people have gone through in the past
It stems from gay people being ridiculed and mistreated growing up. If you were gay, you'd understand. It's a way of saying that you aren't hiding who you are.