Why do conservatives love to blame Obama but cry and whine when people blame Bush?

because whenever Bush did something wrong the media would all point it out and say how he shouldn't have done that and everyone would be talking about how stupid it was.

Now when Obama does something wrong everyone just says well its no worse than Bush. What conservatives are trying to do is point out the irony of the fact that there are many things that would become a public relations nightmare for the president between 2001 and 2009, but since Obama has entered office he never seems to take any heat for them.

Bush did the same thing should never be an excuse. If you had a president that you truly believed was the man for the job why would you want to always be measuring him up against a president you hated and having him come up pretty close on most counts?
The truth is,it is their nature to whimper and cry..... as it is to abuse,lie about,and never give due credit to President Obama because He is Afro-American and they,along with Republicans,Teabaggers,and Rednecks,have a Racist attitude!
Because the Democrats took control of congress in 07 and the presidency in 09. Why do democrats not realize that? So far as I have seen we have a better country when conservatives run it.
1. Obama is the president, Bush is no longer president. so it is kind of silly to keep blaming a person who has no authority in the government any more.
2. Republican =/= Right just like Democrat =/= Left (blue dog democrats anyone?). Bush was a Republican but he wasn't from "the right" especially when you consider that "the right" has been against the stimulus since Bush was passing them.
3. i have yet to see anyone not say that Bush hasn't done anything wrong, in fact i can probably come up with a good list if i wanted to of both things that were bad and done on purpose and those that just ended up being bad decisions.
We don't.

We point out that saying, "it's Bush's fault," or "Bush did it" aren't valid arguments.
no no you libs complained without a break about bush but omg how dare we bitc*about the messiah right?
he is black you no??..
wow coming from the biggest Bush whiner this question is actually funny!!! Oh and the reality is, 0bama and minions have control of the white house and senate, but for some reason the sheep whine and blame Bush and the republicans!!! Pot?,........Kettle?
Just how long do you intend to blame Bush?
When, if ever will Obama be responsible for what he is doing to this country?
Liberals are so intent on blaming any one but Obama for the problems that are now facing our country, that they don't see what he is actually doing!

Conservatives are so busy trying to save this country from Obama, and the forces from within.
We want to save our money, our freedoms, our American way of life , and along with that we have to fight the Liberals to do so. That means we have to save the Liberals from themselves!
They love to hide the criminals that run in their circles. Just like they blame illegals for all the ill in the US, but are totally fine with racist skinhead or biker gangs, and crooked white collar politicians.
You are blaming bush, waaaaaaaahhhhh, I blame your thuggish behavior on the influence of Obama.

I don't cry when people blame bush, but Obama has done alot of wrong. Bush is not actually right! he's a centrist. He has more in common with CLinton then his own father.