Why won't my pS3 play blue rays anymore?


New member
Aug 20, 2013
my ps3 stop playing blue rays tonight =(. i popped in a blue ray n nothing played, popped in a reg dvd n it played. tried resetting settings and when i didthe blue ray came up n when i switched the disks to another blue ray it stopped. i tried resetting my again but this time it completely didn't recognizet the blue ray anymore. what's wrong w this thing? im pretty clueless when it comes to these things. HELP!!
Ummm common sense would say your blue ray eye went out.. One of two things can happen. You have a warranty and can send it in and get a new one..or you can trade in your broke ps3 and buy a new one after you put the broke one towards the cost of the new one....goodluck :-/