Australia is having the worst out break of locust for a long time is this a prophecy?


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Will other country's have these pestilences.

They wanted to put this question in the singles and dating section.
yes it is prophesy and a lot more is happening ,, quakes ,, floods , calamities (B.P. spill,etc) wars and nations rising against nation. Take a look around ya boy, it's bound ta scare ya boy.
Yes. In the bible it says in Luke 18:4

Lo for a decade into the second millennium, the country of Australia will suffer a terrible outbreak of locusts fulling the prophecy.

It is obviously true because it is so accurate. *rolls eyes*
Of course not. Don't be ridiculous.

These type of things go in cycles and have since the beginning of insect life on this planet.

Everyone knows that. (Or everyone should, at least!)
The Mid US is getting hit with Stink beatles right now, there attributing it the use of less residual pesticides, back in the day we used some pretty nasty stuff, got down to the ground water and posed some serious health risks, now we just got Stink Beatles,
It could be a plague, or it might have been a great year for the locust population to explode.

I'm going to go with more natural causes.