What fantasy games do you advise on me getting? Also XBOX or PS3?


New member
Sep 19, 2011
I am thinking of investing in an XBOX or PS3 I am a 17 year old female... which is better in your opinion and why? Also, what games do you advise on me getting I love fantasy games with mystical music and characters :D
Final Fantasy 13, such an fantastic game, also the main character is a girl. The soundtrack was outstanding. FF13 has 6 people you can play as. Sometimes you play as other people, but towards the end of the game you can choose. For me, i turn on my Ipod, switch to the Final fantasy soundtrack, and do homework. Helps me think, and I get everything done. Graphics are great. Final fantasy 13 part 2 is coming out in January. If your thinking of getting this game, beat it so you can play part 2!! Sorry for the spelling errors.