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  1. E

    "Now, you don't even have to be gay to be killed for being gay"? @ 4:25 - 4:58 In short, a man was walking arm-in-arm with his brother at night, and he was attacked. The men attacking yelled anti-gay slurs at him. He later died from the injuries. He wasn't gay, they just thought he was. "Now, you don't even have...
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    Help Help!!! My bisexual friend is looking for a boyfriend?

    Why can't he post his own personal ad?
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    How do most guys feel about female bi-sexuality?

    Most straight guys think it's sexy. I told a guy friend of mine when we were in HS, and I went instantly from being a friend to being a sexual object with no intellectual or emotional value. Most of my guys took it better than that, but there will always be the shallow losers like that.
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    Do you ever wish you were bisexual?

    So you could see more of the beauty in the world?
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    Can I persuade my friend to be bisexual or lesbian?

    No. Just let her be herself. You can try hanging out with her and whatnot, but you can't get her to change.
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    My son is gay and I don't know if I should?

    If he were straight, would you let girls stay the night? And don't tell his father unless your son gives you permission. It's his life and his secret.
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    What's the best gay joke?

    What medication do you prescribe to a depressed lesbian? Trimenagain. What's your favorite gay joke?
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    How come adults always believe gay boys rather than girls?

    Girls and boys are different. Females form relationships where we are close and intimate, and that can often be confused for romantic love. But it isn't. It's just female friendship. When girls try to tell their parents that they are lesbian, their parents (especially the mother) will...
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    Human intimacy = Sexuality?

    Intimacy can be completely non-sexual. That's normal.
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    Fantasy time! One celebrity. No strings attached.?

    Johnny Depp--whatever he wanted to do, doll.
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    A friend of mine is going through a hard time realizing or accepting her...

    She sounds pansexual to me, but who knows? If she is bisexual, she should embrace it. Don't let the stereotypes and rumors run her off. Most of us are great people. And we need more nice people to be openly bisexual, to help get rid of those stereotypes.
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    Is this normal for a bisexual?

    I have an attractive girlfriend. She and a friend got drunk the other night and started drawing on her face. Yesterday I saw a picture of the result. She now had a realistic-looking beard and mustache, and she was wearing a hat and smoking a pipe. I found that picture extremely sexy. Is it...
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    Are you offended when someone asks you about your sexuality?

    Not online, but in person. If they just seem polite and curious, and they ask a question, about your preferences, past, or relationships, are you offended? Do you like the attention? How do you react?
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    Does this make me bisexual?

    Both. You sound bisexual AND normal.
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    Does this make me bisexual?

    Both. You sound bisexual AND normal.
  16. E

    Does this make me bisexual?

    Both. You sound bisexual AND normal.
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    What should you do if you are confused about your sexuality?

    Just be yourself and don't worry about getting a label just yet. Time will clear up confusion. Just wait for it.
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    i am thinking about turning bisexual?

    Good luck with that.