Can I play regular dvd on any type of blue ray players?


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Is a Porsche Cayman a good everyday car?

Hi, so my dad wants to get a nice comfortable car to drive to his new work, which is like 40 min away there and same back so it is like 80 min total driving.

I was helping him look for good cars and we found a 2007 Cayman with 20k miles on it for $35k price. Would that be a good price? Its certified aswell by the dealership according to the dealership's website.

Could a porsche be a good weekday car?Nothing fancy on it. No convertible or anything. Just a basic Porsche.

And theres like a fenced in parking lot with gates that you need the work ID to get into. So its not like its randomly out in public like a city, its fenced in and stuff.

My dad currently drives a 99 Sienna, but wants it to be more of the "Family Car".So would switching from a toyota to a posche seem strange for the driver?

So what is your thoughts on if it is a durable car for everyday work travel?
I have a built in blue ray dvd player on my tv and was wondering if it could also play regular dvd? And if it is able to play the regular dvd is it a good idea to play it on the blue ray dvd player because i heard that it might ruin it.
Yes, Blu-ray players are backward compatible with standard DVDs. They will even up-convert standard DVDs to make them look HD.
I've never heard of a blu-ray player that doesn't also play dvds. Pop it in.